2012 – 2015


The project AMIG@ – Quíen eres? (Friend – who are you?) deals with people I encounter in online social networks.*) Every statement made online reveals something about the poster and I find myself asking: WHO ARE YOU?

The answer lies in what is not said and what is not shown. That’s where I find a real sense of the person behind the statement – their own particular energy. I pick up on this energy and translate it onto canvas. I create portraits which tell a story.

I paint exclusively in acrylic. Depending on the person I am portraying, I will work breezily in the technique of water colour painting or impastos, using light or dark base colours.

More background informations about the project you will find in German and Spanish

*) Please note:
All works of this project are titeled with first names. They do not refer to real persons of all my contacts in social medias.

Luz Gloria López Ramírez comments the work

Romana G. Brunnauer’s artistic expression is courageous and enigmatic. It always contains a mystery that needs to be solved. Her works are passionate and at the same time follow a guideline. Sometimes it becomes unravelled when looking at her paintings, only to find itself elsewhere in the next moment. Romana has what every artist desires: boldness, discipline, passion and rationality. This is also evident in her visual language, which moves forward quickly and leaves gaps. Her forms are liberated and her brushstrokes pose the question: ‘Who are we?’